Thursday, January 21, 2010

An Open Letter to Cleopatra Holmes

To my lovelies,

I apologize if I come off a little harsh in the following, but I really needed to have an honest heart to heart with someone who maybe felt as if I attacked her unfairly. For the record, I didn't. But all that aside, here's my real true blue response. I'm sure you all will understand.


Seriously, is the WACK-tress trying to tango with me, Meadow Stevens?! Here's my one word response: HA! Cleo baby, that was actually me being generous and sweet. Just a word to the wise:I would fall back if I were you. You don't want to see me get sour. You really REALLY don't. But for now, I'll continue being sweet because it would be cruel of me to attack someone like yourself, sad, desperate and fame-hungry. I actually feel bad for you Cleo :(

It must be tough not being taken seriously as an actress by ANYONE in the industry. I can't imagine what that must feel like... painful, I'm sure. And because I feel sorry for you, I'll give you a bit of advice. If I were you, I would, A) take some acting classes. It's really important to stay on top of your craft, and it's painfully clear that you don't. Thespian to thespian, I'm only giving you constructive criticism when I tell you that more often than not, on screen you come off either embarrassingly vacant or “diva-esque” on screen. No bueno. You can (and should do better). B)Educate yourself on the goings on of the industry and get your facts straight. Pick up a “Variety” doll face! How could “To Catch a Cat Burglar” tank if I JUST wrapped shooting? LOL. I actually laughed out loud when I read that. You really don't have a clue, do you boo boo? That's ok, this is why Meadow is here to help you. C) Lastly, dump the loser. I'm being completely sincere when I tell you that he's toxic. If I were actually out for your head, I wouldn't say a word and I'd let him and his poor reputation drag you down to the D-list.

Cleo, darling, I don't hate you at all. I'm just being honest. And in keeping in the spirit of honesty, let's face facts. You're a mediocre actress and a second rate pop star (I'm STILL being sweet). Don't you aspire for something better?! Artist to artist, celebrity to celebrity, woman to woman, if you don't, you should. Don't settle for the fleeting fame that Hollywood offers. Create a legacy for yourself. Cleopatra, this might be a hard pill for you to swallow, but you should because I'm giving you invaluable food for thought. Gems of wisdom, I'm giving you. Consider me a “mentor” if you will. And to show your appreciation, you should gift me THIS beautiful gem, a skull cocktail ring, delivered to Meadowfair. Can't wait! Oh, and anytime you wanna chat doll, I'd be happy to give you more advice. Muah!


Meadow Stevens

America's Sweetheart

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