I know it's been too long, and i've been horribly M.I.A. Do forgive me my lovelies! I've been dodging the papparazzi since I returned to Meadowfair from back east. But no, I haven't pulled a Heidi Montag! No nips or tucks for me (but to each her own... everyone knows my BFF Farrah has had some minor "adjustments"). Frankly, I've just been feeling icky and who wants to be seen when they've got bedhead and gunk in their eyes? It might seem like a glamorous life, but make no mistakes... this is a JOB! Nevertheless, it IS still fun and I do love to make a fabulous head-turning appearance, which is one of the many reasons (besides shamelessly flirting with Gerard Butler) why I had such a great time at the Golden Globes this past Sunday. I wore a fabulous Zac Posen gown, Roger Vivier pumps, a CC Skye Triple Layer Mesh Necklace, and a Blu Bijoux White Techno Bangle.
Now back to hibernation (you'll find out why soon dolls!)
P.S. Gerry (that's Gerard) and Jennifer Aniston are sooo not dating (and I would know. *wink*) It's called PR.
Happy happy happy New Year. Can you believe it's the end of the decade already? Where did all the time go? Feels like it was just Y2k! The QT thriller has wrapped and I'm finally back in Meadowfair. It's nice to be home and all, but all work and no play makes Meadow a dull girl indeed. I am sooo ready to ring in the new year! The gang's all going to Rico's much-hyped soiree at Hyde and it's going to be (in his words) "jumping." I've got the most amazing body con Herve Leger bandage dress and I need some chic accessories to make the look POP. I need advice, dolls! These Marc by Marc Jacobs Sparkle Studs Earrings or a Blu Bijoux Turquoise Bubbles Cuff?
It's officially winter and the Holidays are right around the corner! Actually, they're now. Like, almost upon us in the scariest of ways. Not SCARY scary, in a "Nightmare Before Christmas" kind of way but in the "I can't believe 2009 is quite nearly over" way. I'm in DC shooting with QT, which is nothing short of awesome, but I do wish I could be with my fam in Iowa right now. Mom's sad I can't be home so she's refusing to admit that she misses me, insisting that she's glad she doesn't have to overcompensate for my "sub-par cooking skills!" Since she won't have me around, I decided to dazzle her with my superior taste in jewelry. These affordable 14 kt Diamond and Gold Earrings are reminiscent of a pair my grandmother had when my Mom was a little girl. Merry Christmas Mom. I love you!
Had a wonderful time at home in Iowa for Thanksgiving but sadly, I can't make it back for the winter holidays. I'll be on location in Washington D.C. working on a new, currently untitled, thriller with *drumroll please* QT! Yes, THAT QT. I'm so excited about this new development (literally just got off the phone with my agent and manager) that I'm absolutely OK with missing the holidays back home. I'm not going to get homesick. I repeat... I'm NOT going to get homesick. *sniff*. OK, I can't lie... I'm sad that I can't visit my family. But I'll be fine... it doesn't hurt that my dear Aunt Vivian already mailed me this gorgeous Kate Spade Cluster Ring as an early Christmas gift. It's super cute and is totally "Meadow," plus she didn't have to spend a fortune... Love you Aunt Viv! Wish me luck in the capital.
I am so excited about Thanksgiving I can barely contain myself! It's been such a long time since I've been back home to Iowa for the holidays. My grandmother, Mother, and I have been grocery shopping up a storm and it feels so good to just be "normal" Meadow for a bit, instead of MEADOW STEVENS...."Movie Star." They treat me just like any other family member. That's right dolls, Meadow Stevens washes dishes AND takes out the trash! How's that for all those journalists who accuse me of not being down to earth?! All jokes aside, there's soooo much for me to be thankful for this year.
I first arrived to Iowa a bit on the stressed side, worrying myself crazy about my next film. As we sat on our front porch drinking hot cocoa, Mother gave me this Blu Bijoux Peace Tranquility Cuff and I was instantly reminded of how everything always works out like it's meant to. Thanks Mom!
All is blissful in Meadowfair (for once, right?! I know). Your sweetheart... that would be me, Meadow (*smile*) has been getting inspired by the world around her. Yes, I know I'm speaking in third person, but that's just how unlike myself I feel at the moment. Film is my chosen medium, but I attended that amazing MOCA event and was absolutely blown away by the paintings and sculptures... Not to mention Lady Gaga's INSANE performance with the Russian ballet. Although I truly admire her artistry, I usually feel like her style is a bit out there for my personal taste. But I don't know... there was something magical in the air that night. It dawned on me that every now and again Meadow needs a little bit of "gaga like" craziness to shake things up! That's why I just love this Five Segment Glass Necklace that my assistant gave me. It's edgy but still classy in a Elizabeth Taylor circa Cleopatra type of way. I feel like a futuristic Greek goddess! Not my usual pearls or gold studs, this statement necklace DEMANDS attention. Just like Gaga!
P.S. Have my dolls seen Beyonce and Gaga's new video "Video Phone"?! THAT'S what I'm talking about.
Been ridiculously busy as usual, from sessions with my trainer to meetings with the studio. Whew! I'm exhausted to say the least. But! I've got no time to be tired with all that's going on. What?! I didn't tell you? *excited scream* I'm going as Dash's date to the premiere of his new film "Scar Tissue." I'm not such a fan of action films, but I'm looking forward to watching him run around all sweaty, tee hee. I especially LOVE premieres because I get to pull out all the stops with my bling! I've been waiting to show off these Turquoise and Ruby Cluster Earrings for a while now, and they complement my nude colored chiffon designer gown perfectly! Earthy, yet classic, I'll be doing my version of Saige's "hippie chic." Thanks for the inspiration lady! Plus they're a steal at $98. Don't worry, I won't be mad if any of you get "inspired" by me.
I apologize if I come off a little harsh in the following, but I really needed to have an honest heart to heart with someone who maybe felt as if I attacked her unfairly. For the record, I didn't. But all that aside, here's my real true blue response. I'm sure you all will understand.
Seriously, is the WACK-tress trying to tango with me, Meadow Stevens?! Here's my one word response: HA! Cleo baby, that was actually me being generous and sweet. Just a word to the wise:I would fall back if I were you. You don't want to see me get sour. You really REALLY don't. But for now, I'll continue being sweet because it would be cruel of me to attack someone like yourself, sad, desperate and fame-hungry. I actually feel bad for you Cleo :(
It must be tough not being taken seriously as an actress by ANYONE in the industry. I can't imagine what that must feel like... painful, I'm sure. And because I feel sorry for you, I'll give you a bit of advice. If I were you, I would, A) take some acting classes. It's really important to stay on top of your craft, and it's painfully clear that you don't. Thespian to thespian, I'm only giving you constructive criticism when I tell you that more often than not, on screen you come off either embarrassingly vacant or “diva-esque” on screen. No bueno. You can (and should do better). B)Educate yourself on the goings on of the industry and get your facts straight. Pick up a “Variety” doll face! How could “To Catch a Cat Burglar” tank if I JUST wrapped shooting? LOL. I actually laughed out loud when I read that. You really don't have a clue, do you boo boo? That's ok, this is why Meadow is here to help you. C) Lastly, dump the loser. I'm being completely sincere when I tell you that he's toxic. If I were actually out for your head, I wouldn't say a word and I'd let him and his poor reputation drag you down to the D-list.
Cleo, darling, I don't hate you at all. I'm just being honest. And in keeping in the spirit of honesty, let's face facts. You're a mediocre actress and a second rate pop star (I'm STILL being sweet). Don't you aspire for something better?! Artist to artist, celebrity to celebrity, woman to woman, if you don't, you should. Don't settle for the fleeting fame that Hollywood offers. Create a legacy for yourself. Cleopatra, this might be a hard pill for you to swallow, but you should because I'm giving you invaluable food for thought. Gems of wisdom, I'm giving you. Consider me a “mentor” if you will. And to show your appreciation, you should gift me THIS beautiful gem, a skull cocktail ring, delivered to Meadowfair. Can't wait! Oh, and anytime you wanna chat doll, I'd be happy to give you more advice. Muah!
I've missed you all so! What's new with me? I'm FINALLY leaving New York tonight and I'm soooo excited to return home to Meadowfair. Press... done. Meetings... went wonderfully (yes, especially the one with James Cameron!).
Dangerous Curves is still smashing the box office and I couldn't be more overjoyed. I'm also not due to start shooting my next film, "Blue Blood Blondes" for another month, so I'm ready to go on a much needed vacation. Scratch that... I don't wan't to be anywhere but at home. I'll take a STAYcation instead!
Fredrica and Saige came to visit recently and it was really great to see them. I only wish Farrah would have come along. I miss you FS!!! As usual, we all decided to spend some quality girl time: mani/pedis and shopping. And yes, I did purchase quite a few things on 5th avenue (including this gorgeous House of Harlow 1960 14kt white gold necklace and Roxy Ring) but it was not because of "his" birthday! Goodness, I love Saige to death but the girl just cannot keep her mouth shut, I can't believe she went around telling everyone I was upset about HIM. I mean really, I don't want her to ruin all the good karma she's built up by having such a blabber mouth.
Ok, FINE. So I was a little teeny weeny bit sad when "HIS" birthday rolled around, but I've absolutely moved on and I definitely don't want him back! That "wack-tress" and all around terrible person he goes out with now can keep him because I'm doing just fine. Life is good and my career is skyrocketing. What more could a girl ask for? Sigh. Actually, I wouldn't mind having someone to share my success with but I know that all good things come in time, and when they're supposed to. In the meantime, I'll be keeping busy reading scripts, developing new projects, and buying baubles. Hmm... and maybe I should give my old co-star Dash a call! *wink*
I am pooped! Dangerous Curves premiered last week to rave reviews so I had to change my flight in order to accommodate all of the press, especially the TV appearances! In the past week, I've been on Good Morning America, Regis and Kelly, and The View! When Whoopi and Barbara told me how much they enjoyed my portrayal of Kitty, I nearly turned as red as a tomato. Can you believe it? Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters complimenting l'il old me! However, not everyone on The View seemed to adore the film... or me, mainly a certain blonde member of the cast who once infamously feuded with former castmate Rosie O'Donnell, and was quite chilly towards me.
Apparently there's been some whispers about gold statues, according to Barb and Whoopi, but this particular cast member found it doubtful that I could win an award for Dangerous Curves. I thought it was a little unprofessional to be so snide towards a guest, especially with millions of Americans watching, but maybe she was just PMS'ing. I know how it is. Love you anyway Lizzie!
So it seems that I'll be in New York for at least another two weeks. I still miss Meadowfair but I am loving this upswing in my career. The reviews from Dangerous Curves have really seemed to grab Hollywood's attention, and I've received a flurry of scripts, gone on nearly 2 dozen meetings, and best of all... no one's even asking me to audition! Some would say that now I've REALLY "made it". Oh, how I wish Grandma could see me now! She'd be so proud to see how far her little girl has come.
I'm so incredibly grateful for all of my recent success. I've worked my butt off and am definitely reaping the beautiful fruits of my arduous labors. And you all know that hard work deserves a great reward. Yes it's true... I have no problem spoiling myself when I feel that I've earned it. I've certainly earned a trinket or two (or ten) after all the nonstop hustle and bustle. The second I get to Meadowfair, I'm going to take a 10 hour nap and then I'm going to buy myself these Jules Smith Kiss Kiss Studs!
I've gotta dash now, loves. I've got a meeting with James Cameron in a half hour at the Tribeca Hotel.
It 's been a while, I know I know! I've been running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Yes, that dramatic. So here's what's been up: I wrapped shooting on "To Catch a Cat Burglar" about two weeks ago and immediately left for the East Coast to promote my new film with Angelina (yes, THAT Angelina), "Dangerous Curves." It's the one I shot last year about female race car drivers. I play the underdog with a heart of gold, Kitty La Roux. I'm so proud of the film and my work in it that I jumped right in to catching up with Angie and the rest of the cast as we did appearances, private screenings, press junkets... and missed all the gossip and madness back home!
First off, I did see the debacle known as "Kanye-gate" first hand (I was sitting directly behind Beyonce actually). Sigh. That was so silly of him. I don't even wanna give that incident too much attention. Moving right along... I also heard about dear Patrick Swayze... just heartbreaking. I never had the honor of working with him but I would have relished the opportunity. What a talent!
As for Viva Swag, the gang seems to be doing well... I'm looking forward to coming home to California and catching up with Farrah (bored, doll? YOU?! I can't believe it), and all of my other dear friends (like my former co-star Dash. *blushes*).
New York is lovely and a great place to visit, but really there is no place in the world like home. And home for me is Meadowfair in eternally sunny Southern California. I can't lie, I am a little homesick but the cast and crew of "Dangerous Curves" have been doing all that they can to put me at ease. Angelina is so thoughtful and bought me this beautiful and dainty Ancient Elephant Necklace to bring me luck until I'm able to come home. She's so sweet and keeps telling me that I should be more patient with myself instead of trying to rush thru life without smelling the roses or taking chances. And she's so right! Who knows what can happen? Right now I'm trying to take it one day at a time... cherishing my moments here as I'm living my dream and doing what I love. "Dangerous Curves" opens on October 1st. It's an exciting and groundbreaking film. I hope you guys like it!!
I can’t tell you how thankful I am to be a beloved star of stage and screen and what an honor it is to carry the title of America’s Sweetheart. It’s quite a big deal for me because I’m just a small town girl from Iowa who started entering beauty pageants at the age of three. Can you believe we were so poor I had to wear Grandma's old tiara? Grandma and I dreamed someday I would own more BLING than I could ever wear. Today, at Meadowfair (my beautiful home in the Hollywood Hills), I have a living room sized walk-in closet stocked with jewelry I purchased on Viva Swag! Dreams do come true! (Meadow Stevens is a pseudonym owned by vivaswag.com)